past job offers

New position for student!

We are looking for student to the project about application of optical fibers in biosensing of inflammatory biomarkers. Check detalis below (two languages available): pl_ogłoszenie_62_2020_(pdf_214kb)en_announcement_62_2020_(pdf_214kB) We are always looking for talented students for short internships. If you are interested, please contact Joanna for more information.

PhD student position available! 3

Surface Nanoengineering group PhD student position Job title: PhD student — scholarship. Job summary: PhD student position available in the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS within National Science Center OPUS 11 Project No. 2016/21/B/ST3/02276 entitled “Spatial organization of metallic nanowires for advanced photonics” (leader dr hab. inż. Joanna Niedziółka-Jönsson). Job […]

Student selected/PhD positions still open

Student was selected for participation in the project. Congrats! We would also like to inform that PhD positions are still open. For more information please refer to Jobs page or to the adverts below (in English and Polish). Advert_PhD_Opus Advert_PhD_Sonata Bis Ogłoszenie_PhD_Opus Ogłoszenie_PhD_Sonata BIS

Open student position

We are looking for a highly motivated student for a project “Ultralong metallic nanowire waveguides – a bridge between the nano- and macroworlds”. The internship will take place between 31 July and 31 October. Please send CV and motivation letter to the Group Leader.

Open PhD position

We are looking for a new PhD student within our new grant in collaboration with the Institute of Physics at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, where the student will be based. More information here (in Polish only).